
Abstract Postharvest discoloration of cultivated mushrooms (Agaricus.bisporus [Lange] Sing., ‘tan strain’) was significantly retarded by treatment with succinic acid-2,2-dimethylhydrazide (SADH). The optimum SADH concn was 100 ppm. The effect, however, lasted no longer than 3 days after which time all SADH treatments discolored at rates equal to or greater than controls. The decrease in discoloration was correlated with a decrease in o-diphenol oxidase (o-DPO) activity. Protease activity was higher in SADH treated mushrooms suggesting that reduction in browning was due to degradation of o-DPO rather than direct inhibition of o-DPO by SADH. In vitro SADH competes with proline for quinones produced by enzymatic or non-enzymatic oxidation of diphenols. It is proposed that in vivo SADH exerts a dual effect in reducing mushroom discoloration: first SADH induces degradation of o-DPO through an increase in proteolytic activity, and second it binds to quinones thereby removing intermediates which lead to pigment formation.

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