
The indigenous bee race Apis mellifera jemenitica Ruttner of Saudi Arabia can learn and retain memories established by the classical conditioning of proboscis extension response (PER). The insecticide imidacloprid has shown a drastic effect on the olfactory behavior of A. m. jemenitica in the harsh arid climatic conditions of central Saudi Arabia. The oral feeding of single imidacloprid sub-lethal doses (1.0ng, 0.5ng, or 0.1ng) under laboratory conditions significantly impaired associative learning during the 2nd and 3rd conditioning trials compared to control bees (0ng). The memory tests also revealed significant impairment in memory formation at 1h, 2h, and 24h after conditioning compared to control bees. Even the lowest dose (0.1ng/bee) can significantly impair the bees' ability to learn and memorize. This impairment effect was dose dependent and increased with increasing doses. The higher dose (1.0ng) completely impaired the learning but still showed a little memory and reflected the potential recovery of bees from insecticide-induced impairment with the passage of time. To our knowledge, this is the first study in A. m. jemenitica that demonstrated the drastic effect of neonicotinoids on associative learning in indigenous bees. This study further expresses the possible severity of insecticidal exposure to bees in actual field conditions and its effect on the neural functions used in important behavior involved in the foraging of bees.

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