
There are limited Indian studies which evaluated the nurses’ knowledge to VAP (Ventilatorassisted pneumonia) prevention Bundle. Focused training of health care workers to prevent VAP is essential in all ICUs, particularly in ICUs in resource-limited countries. This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of structured teaching programme on VAP bundle among staff nurses in critical care unit. This prospective, quasi-experimental study was conducted among 171 nurses selected by purposive sampling technique on the basis of the set inclusion criteria. Majority of study subjects were female (92.9%), majority of the nurses (82%) were only degree holders, and 75 (43.8%) nurses had 0-1 year experience of caring for critically ill patients. The knowledge level of participants had mean SD of 5.68 (2.8) with 95% C.I (4.94 - 6.43) and p<0.001. To conclude the 2-hour teaching module significantly enhanced nurses’ knowledge towards evidence-based guidelines for the prevention of VAP.

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