
Background: There is a demand for natural food preservatives as an alternative to artificial chemical compounds. Under refrigeration conditions, the paneer has a shelf life of 7-9 days. The application of preservatives can help to solve the problem of its short shelf-life. The present study was conducted to evaluate four types, S0, S1, S2 and S3 paneer samples. The effect of storage period on paneer, control and treated with brine (10% w/v), hydrogen peroxide (0.2%) plus lactic acid (0.75%) and paneer whey under refrigerated temperature (7±2°C) for 18 days was studied for the chemical, microbial and sensory qualities. Methods: The samples were analyzed for milk fat, ash, titratable acidity (% LA), lactose, protein, soluble nitrogen, total solids, bacterial count, yeast and mould count as per the standard method. Paneer samples were organoleptically evaluated by a panel of 5 semi-trained judges. Results were analyzed using factorial randomized block design as described by Cochran and Cox. Result: Among the different preservatives, treatments hydrogen peroxide plus lactic acid and brine were found to keep paneer acceptable for nearly 18 days at refrigerated storage. Based on the quality assessment of the product, hydrogen peroxide plus lactic acid treatment was superior and recommended.

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