
Magnetite (Mt) has long been regarded as a stable phase with a low reactivity toward dissolved sulfide, but natural Mt with varying stoichiometries (the structural Fe(II)/Fe(III) ratio, xstru) might exhibit distinct reactivities in sulfidation. How Mt stoichiometry affects its sulfidation processes and products remains unknown. Here, we demonstrate that xstru is a master variable controlling the rates and extents of sulfide oxidation by magnetite nanoparticles (11 ± 2 nm). At pH = 7.0-8.0 and the initial Fe/S molar ratio of 10-50, the partially oxidized magnetite (xstru = 0.19-0.43) can oxidize dissolved sulfide to elemental sulfur (S0), but only surface adsorption of sulfide, without interfacial electron transfer (IET), occurs on the nearly stoichiometric magnetite (xstru = 0.47). The higher initial rate and extent of sulfide oxidation and S0 production are observed with the more oxidized magnetite that has the higher electron-accepting capability from surface-complexed sulfide (S(-II)(s)). The FeS clusters formed from magnetite sulfidation can be oxidized by the most oxidized magnetite with xstru = 0.19 but not by other magnetite particles. A linear relationship between the Gibbs free energy of reaction and the surface area-normalized initial rate of sulfide oxidation is observed in all experiments under the different conditions, suggesting the S(-II)(s)-magnetite IET dominates magnetite sulfidation at high Fe/S molar ratios and near-neutral pH.

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