
The effects of acute starvation on hypothalamic content of “somatotropin releasing factor” (SRF) and on pituitary growth hormone content were studied in rats. After complete food removal for 5-7 days or after ad lib. feeding, adult male donor rats were decapitated and their hypothalami were removed and extracted with cold O.IN HC1. The neutralized extract was injected into the left common carotid artery of adult male recipient rats and 30 min later the rats were sacrificed and their pituitaries were removed. The pituitaries were assayed for somatotropin (STH) by the standard tibia test in young hypophysectomized rats. A log-dose relationship was demonstrated between the dose of hypothalamic extract injected and the amount of STH released by the recipient's pituitary, indicating that rat hypothalamic extract contains a factor which stimulates STH release. When the hypothalami of starved rats were compared with hypothalami of ad lib. fed controls in 2 separate experiments, it was found that starvation marke...

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