
Resistivity of LaCrGe3 at low temperatures and high magnetic fields is reported for fields upto 12T. Spin fluctuations play an important role in this compound whose TC is 90K. The normal state above TC is anomalous in the sense that a T1/2 term is to be added to the normal phonon contribution [ρ=ρ0+aT+bT1/2] to get a good fit, whose origin is debatable. Magneto resistance (MR) vs. applied field H in PM region confirms the presence of strong spin fluctuations in this material. Effect of magnetic field on resistivity shows marked deviation below 170K. Suppression of resistivity in field up to 12T near TC is observed. A negative magnetoresistance (MR) is seen and is consistent with the ferromagnetic behavior. The resistivity data fitted below 80K could be fitted with an equation ρ(H,T) = ρ0(H) + B(H)*Tn where n varies between 2.3 − 2.4, closed to n=2, signifying the presence of possible spin fluctuation.

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