
Effect of Sowing Dates, Plant Density, Seed Treatment and Fertilizers on Performance and Quality Seed Production in Mungbean [Vigna Radiata (L.) Wilczek] Variation in agro-ecological conditions due to climate change encourages modern research approaches to optimise the time for sowing, plant density and use of seed treatment and fertilizers to maximise the seed yield of Mungbean. It may vary from variety to variety and season to season. Therefore, an experiment was conducted in mungbean (var. SML 668) comprising three dates of sowing (July 15, August 1 and 16), two plant geometry (25 x 10 cm) and (30 x 10 cm) and six combinations of seed treatments and fertilizers, control (No fertilizer application), recommended dose of fertilizer (RDF) as basal dose (12.5 kg/ha N and 40 kg/ha P2 O5 ), seed inoculation with Rhizobium and phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB), seed inoculation with Rhizobium and PSB + RDF as basal dose, seed inoculation with Rhizobium and PSB + 50 % more RDF as basal dose and seed inoculation with Rhizobium and PSB + RDF as basal dose + Borax spray (100 ppm) at flower initiation during Kharif 2013 and 2014 at CAZRI, Jodhpur. Studies revealed that delayed sowing in August reduced seed yield and affected yield attributes (plant height, pods/plant, seeds/pod, seed yield/plant and 1000-seed weight). Early sowing (15th July), wider spacing (30 x 10 cm) and recommended dose of fertilizer + seed treatment with Rhizobium and PSB + Borax spray (100 ppm) at flower initiation enhanced the seed yield and yield attributes in mungbean..

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