
A field experiment was conducted during 1996-97 and 1997-98 to study the effect of date of sowing, nitrogen and row spacing on growth, yield attributes and yield of lndian mustard [Brassica juncea (L.) Czemj. & Cosson]. The seed yield of lndian mustard obtained was significantly higher when the crop was sown on 25 October than that sown on 15 November and 5 December. The seed yield increased with increased application of N up to 125 kglha during 1997-98, which was significantly higher as compared to 100 kg and 75 kg. During 1996- 97, the N application did not show significant effect on seed yield. Significantly . higher seed yield was recorded with 15-cm-row spacing than 22.5 cm and 30 cm. The plant height decreased with delayed sowing. Yield-attributing characters, i.e. podslplant and secondary branches, were highest under early sowing.

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