
This research studied the influence of combined ultrasonic (40 kHz, 150 W, for 3 min) and 0.2% xanthan gum (XG), guar gum (GG), and wild sage seed gum (WG) coating pretreatments on total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, drying time, effective water diffusivity coefficient ( D eff ), rehydration ratio (RR), total color difference ( Δ E ), and surface shrinkage (SS) of infrared-dried sweet cherries. The ultrasonic pretreatment increased the water transfer rate and water diffusivity during infrared drying and decreased the drying time of fresh sweet cherries. The edible coating enhanced the total phenolic content, antioxidant activity, dehydration time, and RR and decreased the D eff , Δ E , and SS values of infrared-dried sweet cherries. The highest value of total phenolic content (3469.7 μg galic acid/g dry) was recorded for pretreated sweet cherry samples by GG. The mean antioxidant activities for uncoated, XG-coated, GG-coated, and WG-coated sweet cherries were 35.64, 59.88, 54.38, and 61.19%, respectively. In this study, the sweet cherry D eff varied from 2.23 × 10 − 9 m2/s (for untreated cherries) to 5.00 × 10 − 9 m2/s (for sonicated and uncoated cherries). The experimental data for the drying curves were fitted to various single-layer equations, and the Page equation using the experimental constants best described the drying rate of sweet cherries. The mean Δ E values for uncoated, XG-coated, GG-coated, and WG-coated sweet cherries were 15.11, 9.91, 8.74, and 10.69, respectively.

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