
Such research was conducted during the two seasons of 2007and 2008 at the Hort. Lab. Dept., Fac. Agric., Zagazig Univ. to evaluate effects of five preservative solutions as pulsing applications and three cold storage periods as well as their interactions on vase life and quality of Strelitzia reginae L cut flower spikes. Pulsing treatments were implicated holding cut flower spikes in the following solutions: 1- Distilled water (dw) for 12 h as control, 2- Silver thiosulphate at 1: 4 mM (STS)for 30 minutes, 3- STS for 30 min., then solution containing 20% sucrose (S) + 200 ppm Ocimum basilicum L leaf extract for 12 h, 4- STS for 30 min., then solution containing 20% S + 200 ppm Matricaria chamomilla L. flower extract for 12 h, and 5- STS for 30 min., then solution containing 20% S + 200 ppm 8-hydroxy quinolene sulphate (8-HQS) for 12 h. Cut flowers were subjected to pulsing treatments just before cold storage. The three tested cold storage periods were without cold storage (control), storage for 5 or 10-days at 6±1°C and 80 – 90 % relative humidity (simulate transport conditions). After subjecting flowers to pulsing and storage treatments, treated cut flower spikes were hold in distilled water as permanent vase solution to record the effects on vase life. All tested pulsing solutions significantly increased vase life and florets opening %, decreased contamination in vase solution, improved water balance for cut flower spikes, and maintained flower quality; i.e., anthocyanin content in petals. Pulsing treatment of STS at 1: 4 mM for 30 minutes, then in solution containing 20 % S + 200 ppm 8-HQS for 12 hours had the most favorable effect in this respect. As the cold storage period was increased from zero-time to 10-days, the above mentioned characters of cut flower longevity and quality were decreased. When pulsing applications interacted with cold storage periods, the highest quality and the longest vase life of Strelitzia reginae L. cut flower spikes were obtained under the interaction treatments of pulsing in STS for 30 min. and then in 20% S + 200 ppm 8-HQS for 12 hours without cold storage or with storage for 5-days at 6±1°C compared to control and the other interaction treatments.

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