
<p>A field experiment was conducted to investigate effects of four organic manure sources (vermicompost, poultry manure, sheep & goat manure and cattle FYM) on growth and yield attributing characters of garlic in greenhouse condition during extreme winter months (October to May) at Leh-Ladakh, India with three application rates of organic manures <em>viz</em>. 10, 20 and 30 tons ha<sup>-1</sup>. The results revealed that, organic manure application enhanced plant growth, improved garlic yield and its components <em>viz</em>. no. of cloves per bulb, bulb diameter and weight. Also, with increasing rate of application of organic manures from 10 to 20 tons ha<sup>-1</sup>, all growth and yield characters of garlic were improved. Vermicompost and poultry manure had significant effects on plant growth characters <em>viz</em>. plant height, number of leaves per plant, length and width of leaves especially in the T<sub>3</sub> and T<sub>6</sub> treatments. Highest garlic yield (105.03q ha<sup>-1</sup>) was achieved in T<sub>6</sub> treatment (poultry manure @ 20 tons ha<sup>-1</sup>). Overall, application of organic manures proved to be beneficial for garlic production and its application should be popularized for sustainable agriculture in fragile ecosystem of cold arid desert of Ladakh region. </p>

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