
1. It is shown that raising the temperature in the reaction zone of the iron carbonyl decomposition apparatus (temperature tr) by 1°C increases the values of TCμ of R-10 and R-20 powders by 9·10−6 and 7·10−6 1/ deg C, respectively. 2. It was found that the values of TCμ of R-10 and R-20 powders tend to fall when the ammonia content of the reaction gases is increased from 2.2 to 7.4% at constant temperature in the upper zone of the reactor. 3. The optimum process parameters for the manufacture of R-10 and R-20 powders, ensuring that the TCμ requirements prescribed by GOST 13610-68 standard are fulfilled, ara upper zone temperature tr, 311–313°C, rate of Fe(CO)5 supply, 20–40 liters/h; and NH3 content of the reaction gases, 2.53%. 4. It was established that values of TCμ of cores from R-10 and R-20 powders measured at subzero temperatures are on average (40–50) · 10”−6 1/deg C lower than corresponding values measured at higher temperatures.

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