
AbstractThis article investigated the effect of soil texture, i.e. 5‐min Food and Agriculture Organization soil texture (STFAO) and 30' Harmonized World Soil Database soil texture (STHWSD), and hydraulic parameters, i.e. US Department of Agriculture soil hydraulic parameters (SPUS) and China soil hydraulic parameters (SPCH), on the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulation in summer in eastern China. Near‐surface meteorological fields from 365 automatic weather stations were used to evaluate the performance of WRF. Obvious differences between the two soil texture datasets and the two soil hydraulic parameter datasets were found. The simulated 2‐m temperature, 2‐m specific humidity, and 10‐m wind speed were improved significantly at a 95% confidence interval via bootstrap test when STHWSD was used. The agreement is weaker as SPUS was replaced by SPCH. Soil texture and hydraulic parameters affect surface energy partitioning and the distribution of precipitation. The influence of wilting point on WRF's performance is more significant than other soil hydraulic parameters.

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