
A replicated field experiment was conducted to study the effect of exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) on the yield, chemical composition, protein and oil content and uptake of nutrients by groundnut (Arachis hypogaea Linn.) variety M-13. ESP over 15 delayed germination and emergence of flowers. There was continuous decrease in dry matter yield at 30 and 60 days of growth, grain and straw yield after harvest and protein, oil and kernel percent with increase in soil ESP. A 50 per cent reduction in groundnut yield was observed at an ESP of 20. Increasing soil ESP, increased Na and decreased K, Ca and N contents, but had no effect on the Mg, P, S, Fe, Mn, Zn and Cu contents of the plant. Sodium content of the plant increased, while potassium and nitrogen decreased with age of the plant. The uptake of all the nutrients decreased with increase in soil ESP. The results showed that groundnut is a relatively sensitive crop to soil sodicity.

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