
Abstract The effect of inoculating soil with phosphate rock dissolving bacteria (PRDB) or sulphur (S) oxidising micro-organisms on shoot dry matter (DM) production and phosphorus (P) uptake of a tomato cultivar (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, Virosa NT2) colonised with the vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (V AM) fungus Gigaspora margarita (Becker & Hall) was determined in a pot trial. Inoculation with PRDB did not affect shoot DM production and P uptake. Shoot DM and P uptake were also not increased when V AM and PRDB were inoculated together. PRDB were temporarily detrimental to shoot DM production. The PRDB population declined soon after soil inoculation but recovered after addition of a phosphate-free nutrient solution. It is suggested that soil bacteriostasis and a deficiency of easily metabolisable carbon compounds were the causes of the failure of the PRDB culture. Thiobacilli inoculation appeared to be detrimental to shoot DM production, and a combined inoculation of V AM and thiobacilli did not cau...

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