
The results of the present investigation clearly indicated that, different growth and yield parameters of guava were significantly influenced due to different treatments of micronutrients. The maximum increase in plant height (0.62m), shoot length (7.35cm) and tree spread (0.88m) was recorded with the soil and foliar application of 100g ZnSo4 + 100gFeSo4 + 25gBorax + 0.5%ZnSo4+ 0.5% FeSo4+0.2% Borax (T9) and at par results were obtained with soil and foliar application 50g ZnSo4+50gFeSo4+12.5gBorax+0.5%ZnSo4+0.5% FeSo4+0.2% Borax (T8). Regarding the yield parameters the maximum values of fruit set (67.76%), fruit retention (59.43%) and no. of fruits per tree (398.67) was recorded with soil and foliar application 50gZnSo4 + 50gFeSo4 + 12.5gBorax + 0.5%ZnSo4 + 0.5% FeSo4 + 0.2% Borax (T8) and at par results were noticed with the soil and foliar application of 100gZnSo4 + 100gFeSo4 + 25gBorax + 0.5%ZnSo4 + 0.5% FeSo4 + 0.2% Borax (T9). While, the average weight of fruit (155.37g) and yield (58.18 kg/tree and 16.18 t/ha) were recorded maximum with the soil and foliar application of 100g ZnSo4+100gFeSo4+25gBorax+ 0.5%ZnSo4+ 0.5% FeSo4+ 0.2%Borax (T9) and at par values of these characters were observed with soil and foliar application 50g ZnSo4+50g FeSo4+12.5g Borax+0.5% ZnSo4+0.5% FeSo4+0.2% Borax (T8).

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