
Arsenic has been associated with a multitude of health problems and various works to study its impact on different organisms are being done in different parts of the world. Remediation of metal toxicity in environment and animal body including man is a controversial topic. Fishes accumulate the toxicant easily through food chain and water and transfer it to humans. In the present study the impact of arsenic on enzymes of the fish Heteropneustes fossilis and the ability of synthetic zeolite as chelating agent were carried out. The alteration in activities of GPT, GOT and Alkaline phosphatase in the liver of Heteropneustes fossilis and the chelating effect of synthetic zeolite on it was studied after exposure to different concentrations of sodium arsenite for different durations. Fishes are exposed to two different concentrations of sodium arsenite (200 mL and 400 mL of 1% solution), for 3 different durations (3days, 7days and 15 days).The activities of GPT (F=46.63>14.24) and ALP (F=595.33>190.97) was found significantly elevated along with increasing concentration of sodium arsenite. The reversal of the effect on treatment with 1% solution of zeolite, along with sodium arsenite (GPT, F=47.78 > 14.24; and ALP, F=562.33 > 190.97, at 5% P) was reported. Where as the activity for GOT showed significant decrease (F= 132.12 > 49.69, at 5% P) on exposure to sodium arsenite and in this case also reversal of the effect on chelation with zeolite (F=107.21>49.69, at 5% P), was noticed.

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