
A condition known as lower back pain occurs when the back hurts so much that it makes routine tasks difficult. Employees who use computers for work and spend much time sitting during the day can pose ergonomic risks. This research aims to determine whether the incidence of low back pain in employees of the Office of the Directorate General of New, Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation (EBTKE) in 2022 is related to sitting posture while working. An analytical survey with a cross-sectional approach is the research method used. The research tool used is a questionnaire that collects primary data. After the data was calculated using the Slovin method, 53 respondents were selected randomly and used as samples. The results showed that there was no relationship between the division of departments (p=0.68) and the incidence of low back pain, but there was a relationship between sitting posture (p=0.605) and this condition, there was no relationship between slouched posture (p0.001) and conditions, and there was no relationship between the amount of time spent sitting at work (p=0.105).

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