
The purpose of this research was to study the effect incorporate silver Nano powders on the structural and (optical, electrical) properties of Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) composite material at different proportions (2 %, 4%, 6 % and 8% of its weight). The prepared samples were distinguished by (X-ray) diffraction, (FTIR) spectroscopy, SEM images and (UV-visible) spectroscopy; displays various bands characteristics of stretching with bending vibrations of (C =O, C - H, C = C, O – H and C-I) groups of and (SEM) analysis showed Ag Nanoparticles (NPs) were well dispersed in the surface of (PVC) film. The composite films morphology was studied via (FTIR) spectrum and (SEM) analysis. The optical properties for the nanocomposite films recorded at the wavelength scope (200-1100) nm. This study reveals that changes in (PVC) polymer optical properties are influenced via the doping concentration of metal Nano-powders where there was an increase in the absorption with increasing impurity percentage of (Ag) while transmission decreases, direct and indirect band gap have been estimated. These changes in optical Characterizations as function of (Ag) doping could present novel designing leading to tailor metal NPs for desirable applications.

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