
The present investigation entitled “Effect of silicon solubilizing bacteria with organic N inputs on fertility status of soil and growth of Pongamia pinnata.” was carried out during 2017-18 and the details of materials used and methods adopted during the period of investigation. was conducted at Agroforestry Research farm, College of Agriculture Nagpur. The representative soil samples from the zone of maximum feeder root concentration at a depth of 0 – 20 cm and at a distance of 110 to 125 cm from the trunk were collected by using soil auger during May 2017 and final soil samples were collected treatment wise.the application of 5ml SSB along with 200g N from Vermicompost tree-1 improving the soil health by improving the soil physico-chemical properties and plant growth parameters.It is concluded that, the application of 5 ml SSB along with 200 g N from VC tree-1 have positive effect on availability of all nutrient as well as biological properties and microbial population of soil. For the better growth of Pongamia pinnata application of SSB along with organic residues in general and specifically VC was beneficial than using SSB alone.

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