
The cultivation of Musaceae (Musaceae) in Nicaragua has been an area of good profitability and acceptable production rates, representing a promising product in the department of Rivas and in some areas of the country. This crop has been threatened by this disease (Moko) that affects the plant and its fruits. This research was conducted from March 2014 to March 2015, in a Taungya system, to describe the main symptoms of damage and calculate the incidence, severity and ABCPE (Area Under the Disease Progress Curve). Sampling was carried out every fifteen days; for the rapid field test, samples of diseased or symptomatic plants of the causal agent were taken and eliminated; the pathogen data was collected through visual monitoring in the field; the laboratory diagnosis was carried out at the Institute of Agricultural Protection and Health (IPSA). As a result of the study, Ralstonia solanacearum associated with the guineo crop was identified as a pathogen of economic importance. The severity of this causal agent reflected a similar behavior in the guineo (8%) and oak (9%) blocks, followed by cedro, pochote and caoba in ranges of 13% to 19%. In the Melina and Teca experimental blocks, vascular wilt symptoms occurred in percentages of 24% to 26% with a pathogen advance per day R²=0.05 per day.

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