
Background: This study was designed to evaluate the effect of sesbania grandiflora linn leaf extracts on diuretic activity in wistar rats.Methods: Healthy male wistar albino rats divided into 9 groups and weighing 150-200gm.diuretic activity was expressed by Natriuretic activity, saluretic activity, carbonic anhydrase inhibition, Diuretic index or Diuretic action, saluretic index, Natriuretic index. Animalgroups are divided into: group1 treated as control, 2and 3 treated as standards, group 4, 5 and 6 treated with aqueous leaf extract of Sesbania grandiflora Linn. in different doses of 150,300,450mg/kg. Group 7,8and 9 treated with methanolic leaf extract of Sesbania grandiflora Linn. Doses of 150,300,450mg/kg.Results: No change in body weight group treated with AE-150 (p>0.05) with AE-150 (0.1%), increase in urine volume with increasing doses both with aqueous and methanolic extracts, sodium excretion with methanolic extract was high compared with the aqueous extract, significant increase in potassium excretion in both aqueous and methanolic extract treated groups.All the statistical tests were done by using SPSS version 6. The level of significance was 5% (p≤0.05).Conclusions: All the electrolytes concentration was increased in the urine, hence excluding osmotic diuretic action. Diuretic index, saluretic activity, saluretic index and natriuretic index of ME-450 were more than the value of hydrochlorothiazide hence excludes thiazide diuretic action. But these values were less than furosemide.

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