
Tow environmental locations in Anbar Governorate have been chosen, both of them are on the right bank of the Euphrates. The distance between them is 90 kms. The first location is in (sufia) Arural area of Ramadi city, its soil (sandy loam). The second location is in (zakhikha) village at Hit city, its soil (loam sand) . Eight genotypes of wheat have been planted in December 8, 2010 as (main plots), seven cultivars (Abu – graib, IPA 99, Sham 6, Tamooz, Al- ezz, Iraq, lattifia) and one genotype is referred to as (wheat 17). Two seeding rates were used (120, 160) Kgha as (sub plots). These factors (8x2) were input with split plot design at three replicates. The aim of the experiments is to understand how these genotypes are growing and produced in this location. Genotype (wheat 17) it gave higher significant rates of number of tillers, length of flag leaf, spike length in both locations. Iraq, Al- ezz cultivars gave higher significant means in plant height at both locations. IPA 99 cultivar gave higher means, number of kernels spike, about (64.12) kernel. AL - ezz cultivar gave significant high rates of weight 1000 kernel about 48.57 gm. compared with all genotypes at mean location. Cultivar (Abu – graib, sham 6 .IPA 99) gave an upper significance in grain yield al both location, that resulted in high means (7.88, 7.12, 6.98) tonha respectively. Seeding rate 120 kgha increased number of tillers significantly in both location ,but influenced significantly of spike length , , number of kernels per spike at (Ramadi – sufia) location and in the means of the two locations . While this quantity influenced significantly in the increasing weight 1000 kernels in (Hit – zakhikha) only. Seeding rate 40 kgha resulted in significant high rate of plant height. The variation in the seeding rate did not affect significantly on, flag leaf length, grain yield at this locations and their means. This result is the best and most remarkable. Consequently, increasing seeding rates are not necessary for the growth and production of these genotypes which grew naturally and gave an acceptable economic yield.

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