
Considering the goal to achieve uniform and synchronize germination in Cock’s comb, present study was undertaken to investigate the effect of seed priming and pelleting on seed germination. Seven treatments based on various priming techniques (hydropriming+ priming with moringa leaf extract) and different compositions of pelleting materials (gum arabic+bentonite + moringa leaf powder) were used to evaluate the germination and growth behavior of Cock’s comb (Celosia cristata L.). The experiment was laid out according to Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) and the difference among treatment means were compared by using Tuckey’s test at 5% probability level. Data regarding various parameters like time to taken first germination, time to taken 50% germination, mean germination time, final germination percentage, germination energy, germination index, vigor index, root length, shoot length, root to shoot ratio, seedlings fresh weight and seedlings dry weight was recorded. Time to take first germination (3.25days), root length (3.27cm), vigor index (22.00), germination energy (8.75%),Time to take 50% germination (8.25), height of seedling (5.27cm) and number of leaves (9.00 count) were recorded maximum in T3 (Priming with 3% moringa leaf solution treatment) whereas final germination percentage (20.50%), germination index (3.55), shoot length (4.10cm), seedling fresh (4.85g) and dry weight (1.58g) were reported maximum in T5 (coating with 75% Bentonite + 50% Gum Arabic treatment). Control treatment showed minimum results in this experiment, So it can be concluded that seed priming and seed palleting both are highly effective to enhance uniform and rapid seed germination and growth quality in Cock’s comb. Such studies on priming and pelleting will be productive to enhance the rate of seedling emergence, to harmonize uniform flower growth along with flourishing developmental attributes even under extreme climatic conditions and in problematic soils. This investigation will also be helpful to synchronize seed germination and improve vigor at commercial level leading towards better crop establishment and yield.

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