
Scientifically substantiated resource-saving technology of agricultural crops cultivation includes preparation of seed material, choice of elements and technique of their cultivation. Many stimulators have been tested in the republic. Among them, the most stable effect in increase of crop yields stands out Mival, Vitavaks 200FF, T-86, TJ-85, HC-2, Nitrolin, Roslin, Unum, etc. The introduction of new growth regulators requires finding the optimum doses, timing and methods of their application. And also there is a need to find new biopreparations of domestic and foreign production. In the experimental farm of CBSPARI experiments on the effect of biopreparations on field germination, dynamics of seedlings emergence, growth and development of seedlings of above-ground and below-ground parts were conducted. Seeds of cotton varieties Sultan and Andizhan-36 of 2020 crop were treated with biologically active preparations, Uglin, Gledan, Roslin, control seeds without treatment. Growth of seedlings was determined on the 4th day. Total seedling length of seeds treated with the biopreparation Gledan in the variety Sultan was 1.9 mm higher than control, and in the variety Andijan-36 by 0.7 mm. The difference in growth between the seedling aboveground and underground parts did not exceed 1 mm in favor of the aboveground part.

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