
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla L.) is an economically valuable plant with certain salt alkali adaptability. Here, we aim to understand how salt stress affects both the structure and diversity of the soil microbial community and how root exudates may mediate this response. The results showed that high salt stress treatment reduced the overall diversity and abundance of both bacteria and fungi but did not alter the presence or abundance of dominant phyla, including Proteobacteria, Acidobacteriota, and Ascomycota. Several microbial species belonging to Geminicoccaceae, Rokubacteriaces, and Funneliformis-sp were found to be highly resistant to salt stress, while others were found to be highly sensitive, including Xanthobacteraceae, JG30-KF-AS9-sp, and Asperellum. Redundancy analysis results showed that bacteria tended to be more sensitive to the presence of salt ions in the soil, including SO42−, Ca2+, and Na+, while fungi were more sensitive to the presence of certain root exudates, including methyl 4-methylbenzoate, δ-selinene. It suggested that the presence of a relatively stable set of dominant phyla and the increased abundance of salt-tolerant species and their ecological functions may be related to the tolerance of chamomile to salt stress. The results will underpin future improvement in chamomile to coastal salinity soil tolerance through altering the soil microbial community.

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