
In the present study, we compared the performances of size-exclusion chromatography for the purification of plasmid DNA when different concentrations (0.5 M, 1 M, 2 M, respectively) of two types of salt (NaCl and (NH 4) 2SO 4) are present in running buffers. Our experiment results displayed that it is not only the resolution of RNA but also those of supercoiled plasmid DNA and host's genomic DNA were increased greatly in the presence of high concentration of water-structure salt. We deduce that two separation modes may be involved in the process: The supercoiled plasmid DNA is influenced mainly by compaction effect and eluted in the size-exclusion mode; whereas, RNA and genomic DNA are influenced mainly by hydrophobic effect due to their stretched and loose structures and eluted in the interaction mode. This method led to an improved efficiency of size-exclusion chromatography.

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