
A field experiment was conducted during the winter season (2022-2023) in the field of the Department of Crops / Faculty of Agriculture - Al-Qasim Green University, to find out the effect of spraying salicylic acid on the physiological and enzymatic characteristics of three Cultivars of beans under saline soil conditions using the design of complete random sectors in the order of splinter panels, as the main panels included Cultivars (Spanish, Turkish, Dutch), while the secondary panels included foliar spraying of salicylic acid (without spraying, spraying at a concentration of 100 mg L -1, spraying at a concentration of 200 mg L -1).The results of the analysis of variance indicate a significant difference at the level of probability of 5% for all the studied traits, as the Spanish Cultivar outperformed in the total chlorophyll content 23. (mg100 g soft weight) and proline 1.284(mcg g-1 dry matter), while Dutch Cultivar outperformed in the enzyme POD 20.44 (units of absorption g-1 soft weight). Also, foliar spraying of salicylic acid achieved a positive effect at a concentration of 200 mg/L in the leaf content of total chlorophyll pigments 24.239 (mg100 g soft weight)and enzyme CAT 10.94 (units of absorption g-1 soft weight)and enzyme POD 22.251 (units of absorption g-1 soft weight) and seed yield 2.40 tons ha-1 and harvest indx 49.23%.

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