
Rutin is a flavonoid compound present within various plants. Previous studies have suggested that rutin has a potential antidiabeticand a anti-cancer activity in a few experimental models. However, it is uncertain that rutin can affect hepatic lipidaccumulation, which is a pathophysiological marker of steatohepatitis (fatty liver) in metabolic syndrome. The present studyinvestigated the effect of rutin on the intracellular accumulation of lipid induced by palmitic acid in H4IIE rat hepatoma cells.Rutin significantly suppressed palmitic acid-induced lipid accumulation whereas other flavonoid compound (hesperidin) did not.Protein content of the key enzyme in the biosynthesis of triglyceride, FAS, was decreased by rutin. The number of intracellularlipid droplets was also suppressed by rutin. Taken together, rutin has a strong anti-lipogenic activity, indicating thepharmacological potential to treat one of metabolic syndrome.

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