
The effect of rumen-protected nutrients (bypass fat, BPF; bypass protein, BPP; or their combination, BPPF) was investigated in Murrah buffaloes during the early stage of lactation. Forty Murrah buffaloes (BW 531.92 ± 10.85kg) just after parturition were randomly distributed into four groups according to parity and milk production. Buffaloes individually fed ration from day 0 to 90 postpartum according to feeding group and nutrient requirement. Control and BPF fed groups received a concentrate mixture, CM1 with 25% rumen-protected protein (using barley, wheat bran, and mustard oil cake), BPP and BPPF groups received a second concentrate mixture, CM2 with 40% rumen-protected protein (using barley, de-oiled rice bran, and cottonseed cake). Bypass fat fed groups (BPF and BPPF) additionally were supplemented with 15g BPF (Ca salt of long-chain fatty acids) per kg milk yield in their respective concentrate mixtures. Dry matter intake, body weights, body condition score, and total milk yield were similar between groups (P > 0.05). Fat-corrected milk (FCM) production was improved (14.5%, P > 0.05) in groups fed BPP and BPPF, while significant (19.45%, P < 0.05) improvement was observed in BPF-fed group. Overall mean values of milk fat, solid not fat, protein, lactose, and total solids were found to be high (P < 0.05) in treatment groups as compared with control values. It may be concluded that supplementation with BPP or BPF either alone or in combination positively influences the quality of milk produced in Murrah buffaloes during early lactation and BPF additionally had improvement on the quantitative trait of milk as well.

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