
To the Editor: Parchure et al1 have recently reported that azithromycin therapy for 5 weeks significantly improved flow-mediated dilation (FMD) of the brachial artery in Chlamydia pneumoniae seropositive men suffering from coronary heart disease. Our group has recently reported that roxithromycin treatment for 1 month significantly improved the walking distance and reduced the number of revascularization procedures in C pneumoniae seropositive men suffering from peripheral arterial occlusive disease.2 In this prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, we also investigated the effect of roxithromycin on the endothelial function. Determination of radial artery hemodynamics was performed at study entry, at the end of 1-month treatment with either roxithromycin or placebo, and at the 6-month follow-up. Radial artery diameter was measured using a high-precision A-mode echo-tracking device (NIUS 02, Asulab) to determine FMD and glyceryl trinitrate-induced dilation, which was 10.9±4.2% (mean ±1 SD). At baseline, no FMD of the radial artery could be detected in 6 of 20 patients in the placebo group and in 9 of 20 patients in the roxithromycin group. …

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