
The present study aimed to evaluate the horticultural performance of lemon cv ‘Kagzi Kalan’ on eight rootstocks under typical subtropical conditions for maximizing the production and fruit quality. The experiment was conducted on five years old Kagzi Kalan lemon plants budded on eight rootstocks. The variables collected over two successive years included vegetative growth, fruiting density, fruit quality, and leaf nutrient concentrations. Results revealed a significant effect of rootstocks on all the variables studied. Tree height and canopy volume were found higher on rough lemon and RLC-4 rootstocks, while trunk cross sectional area was higher on Billikichlli and RLC-4 rootstocks than other rootstocks. RLC-4 and Attani-2 rootstocks had higher fruiting density, while it was lowest on Troyer citrange. RLC-4 produced heaviest fruits, while trees on rough lemon and RLC-4 had significantly higher juice recovery. RLC-4 and Karna Khatta improved TSS and acid contents in the fruit juice. RLC-4 and Troyer citrange proved their superiority in terms of higher ascorbic acid content. Foliar N concentration in scion cultivars was found higher on RLC-4, rough lemon and Attani-2 rootstocks, while the foliar K content was higher on RLC-4 and rough lemon. Jatti Khatti was more efficient in accumulating Mg in leaf tissues, whereas Troyer citrange restricted accumulation of Na in leaf tissues. Sour orange was more capable of accumulating Cu and Zn in leaf tissues, while other rootstocks had similar uptake of Cu. Karna Khatta, rough lemon and RLC-4 absorbed more Fe, while the foliar Mn content was highest on rough lemon rootstock. Troyer citrange appeared poor performer in terms of fruiting density and nutrient concentration. A positive significant correlation was found between leaf Ca concentration and canopy volume. Hence, considering growth performance, fruit quality and nutrient concentration, RLC-4, rough lemon and Karna Khatta rootstock could be suggested for lemon under alike ecological conditions.

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