
Sthaulya is considered as a consuming issue of today’s time, which can be correlated to obesity. It happens because of the sedentary way of life, unwholesome food propensities, absence of physical exercise, mental pressure, and so forth. It has reached at pandemic degrees in India during the 21st century with dismalness affecting 5% of its people. The obesity prevalence has increased day by day in children and adults. This obesity is associated with many medical illnesses (like Hypertension, atherosclerosis and diabetes). The Acharyas also do an elaborative description of Chikitsa. Generally, it consolidates Shodhana and Shamana therapy. Among them, is the Udavartana Karma which has Kaphahara and Medohara property, and is used as often as possible with Rukshana Dravyas. Hence, our aim is to find out the role of Rodhradi gana Udvartan on sthaulya, and objectives that were assessed are body weight, BMI, Body Circumference and Lipid Profile. This was an Open-labelled single-arm interventional clinical study. Fifteen patients (age group 20 to 50) diagnosed with Sthaulya were registered from the outpatient and inpatient of the Department of Panchakarma, Mahatma Gandhi Ayurved College Hospital & Research Centre, Wardha, Maharashtra, India, and Udavartana with Rodhradigana Churna was done for consecutive 15 days. The selected obese patient’s data were statistically analyzed using Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and Paired t-test. Highly significant (p<0.001) result was found in all the assessment of subjective as well as objective parameters. Udavartana has the characteristics of Kapha Hara and Medovilayana properties. Due to Ushna and Tikshna Guna of Rodhradi gana Dravya and strong massage impact, the Virya of medication goes into the body. Thereafter it opens the Siramukha (openings of veins), does the digestion of Kapha and Medas. Based on the results, we concluded that Udavartana with Rodhradigana Churna was profoundly successful in reducing weight, BMI, and Lipid (Kg/cm2, mg/dl) profile with a significant (level of significance 0.05%) reduction in symptoms of Sthaulya.

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