
Aims: To determine the effect of roasted soybean flour substitution on the chemical and sensory properties of maize flour snack (Aadun).
 Study Design: Multiple comparison test was performed on the data obtained using Duncan test
 Place and Duration of Study: Samples were prepared in Department of Food Science and Technology, Osun State Polytechnic, between August 2020 and November 2020.
 Methodology: Composite flours were developed from roasted maize and soybean to produce snacks (Aadun). Proximate, mineral, amino acid profile and sensory properties of the samples were determined using standard procedure.
 Results: The protein content of the sample ranged between 8.94–16.43% with sample with 40% soybeans having the highest value. The mineral content of the samples increased with increased addition of soybean. Total amino acid of the Aadun samples ranged between 64.81 and 83.42 g/100 g showing an increase as fortification with soybean flour increased. The sensory evaluation showed no significant differences (p>0.05) in the overall acceptability of all the snacks.
 Conclusion: The chemical properties of Aadun increased with addition of soybean flour. Addition of 10 % soybeans to the maize snack did not have significant effect on the taste, texture and overall acceptability.

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