
The paddy fields have a high moisture content and high groundwater level. When cultivating crops in paddy fields, there is a possibility of causing moisture damage at the roots and poor plant growth due to flooding and wet injury. This study was conducted to investigate the growth and yield of peanut and the changes in soil physico-chemical properties with the ridge height in paddy fields. In the 40 cm ridge height treatment, the decay rate of peanuts was lowest and the ratio of ripen pods, weight of 100 grains, and grain yield were highest. As the ridge height increased, the soil acidity and electrical conductivity increased and the bulk density and hardness of the soil decreased, and the liquid and gas phase increased. When growing crops in paddy fields, raising the ridge height resulted in the reduction of wet injury, and the improvement of soil physical properties led to the stable production of peanut. From these results, it was found that the adjustment of the ridge height 40 cm could improve the characteristics of peanut yields and soil physical properties in paddy field.Yield and yield components of peanut plant with the ridge height. Treatment No. of ripen pods (plant-1) Ratio of ripen pods (%) Decay ratio of ripen pods (%) Kernel ratio of pod (%) 100 grains weight (g) Grain yield (kg ha-1) 20 cm 29.1 b† 62.4 b 19.2 a 69.7 a 97.3 b 3,370 c 30 cm 33.4 ab 67.2 ab 11.8 b 69.8 a 101.7 b 3,990 ab 40 cm 40.3 a 74.6 a 5.4 c 72.1 a 111.2 a 4,520 a †Values within columns having the same letters are not significantly different at the 0.05 as determined by DMRT.

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