
ABSTRACTEffects of nonwaxy (21% amylose, 79% amylopectin) and waxy (100% amylopectin) rice starch‐lipid complexes on the rate of in vitro digestibility were determined. Long‐chain (≥C:18) saturated emulsifiers reduced digestibility more than short‐chain (<C:18) saturated and unsaturated emulsifiers when complexed with nonwaxy and waxy rice starch. The largest decrease in digestibility (33%) was achieved with Polyaldo 10‐1‐2 (100% C18:0 with decaglyceryl monostearate modification) for nonwaxy rice. Waxy rice starch did not complex with most of the emulsifiers, in contrast to nonwaxy rice starch. Most of the emulsifiers that reduced digestibility by 10% or less were composed of unsaturated monoglycerides, including some acetylated and succinylated monoglycerides. The fluid behavior of nonwaxy rice starch‐emulsifier solutions was more pseudoplastic than waxy rice starch‐emulsifier solutions. The consistency index varied with emulsifiers. The nonwaxy rice starchemulsifier solutions and some of those prepared using waxy rice starch would be suitable for semisolid food applications. The waxy rice starchemulsifier solutions with low consistency (0.4–0.7) and high‐flow behavior (0.7–0.8) indices would be suitable for beverage applications.

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