
Along with energy, quality protein is also essential for the health and production for poultry birds. Total 150 white leghorn layer birds, aged 25 weeks approx weight 1.5±0.5 were used in this study. The formulated ration contain control diet-1 (D-1) having 100% soybean meal and 0% maggot meal, Diet-2 (75% soybean meal and 25% maggot meal), Diet-3 (50% soybean meal and 50% maggot meal), Diet-4 (25% soybean meal and 75% maggot meal) and Diet-5 containing (0% soybean meal and 100% maggot meal). Egg shell thickness was determined after removing the shell membrane. The daily feed intake (g/day/bird), per/day egg production (%), weight (g) and feed conversion ratio (g feed/dozen egg production) did not differ (P<0.05) among the experimental groups (MD-2, MD-3, MD-4, MD-5), and MD-1 group. However MD-3 replacement diet had a better result on performance basis. The blood profile that is red blood cells (RBCs), white blood cells (WBCs), hemoglobin (HB), packed cell volume (PCV), albumin and total protein were not affected (P<0.05) by the different diets and no significant differences were found among the different treatment groups. The egg weight, egg shell weight, shell thickness, albumen height, yolk weight, yolk height and haugh unit were not affected (P>0.05) within dietary treatment. Finding of our result indicated cheap protein alternatives sources like maggot meal, help the resource poor farmers not only to cut down their production costs, but also to improve their production efficiency.

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