
Summary This study was conducted to assess the role of the regeneration of soil structure by physical weathering of soils in columns on the transport of Nalidixic acid-resistant Escherichia coli strain ( E. coli NAR) and also Bromide (Br). Leaching experiments were carried out at steady-state flow conditions, under a suction head of 5 cm, through columns of repacked and weathered clay loam (CL) and sandy loam (SL) soils. A pulse-type boundary condition was used and breakthrough curves for bacteria and Br were obtained at three depths during a 24 h leaching experiment. Observed data were analyzed employing the mobile–immobile water (MIM) models for repacked or weathered soil columns using HYDRUS-1D code. Both models described well the effluent concentrations. Calibration of the models to match the observed breakthrough curves of Br and E. coli NAR resulted in a smaller value of dispersivity for the later. For bacteria, the fitted attachment and straining coefficients increased with the clay content of the soil. Earlier peaks in the breakthrough curves were observed for the weathered soil columns. This was attributed to increased pore connectivity associated with weathering. In contrast the balanced and symmetrical shape of the breakthrough curves from the repacked soil columns indicates that leaching occurred mainly through matrix flow.

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