
Recent experimental papers on hole-doped overdoped cuprates have argued that a series of observations showing unexpected behavior in the superconducting state imply the breakdown of the quasiparticle-based Landau-BCS paradigm in that doping range. In contrast, some of the present authors have argued that a phenomenological "dirty $d$-wave" theoretical analysis explains essentially all aspects of thermodynamic and transport properties in the superconducting state, provided the unusual effects of weak, out-of-plane dopant impurities are properly accounted for. Here we attempt to place this theory on a more quantitative basis by performing $\textit{ab-initio}$ calculations of dopant impurity potentials for LSCO and Tl-2201. These potentials are more complex than the pointlike impurity models considered previously, and require calculation of forward scattering corrections to transport properties. Including realistic, ARPES-derived bandstructures, Fermi liquid renormalizations, and vertex corrections, we show that the theory can explain semiquantitatively the unusual superfluid density measurements of the two most studied overdoped materials.

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