
, (1) have long been studied in spin chemistry [1]. This pro-cess in the magnetic effects of chemical reactions wastheoretically studied in [2, 3]. DEE processes, whichare sometimes called ion–molecular charge exchange,are frequently accompanied by recombination reac-tions of radical-ion pairs induced by irradiation ofhydrocarbon solutions [4, 5]. DEE manifestations havebeen studied in optically detected EPR [4] and by stim-ulated [6] and dynamic [7] nuclear polarization meth-ods. In all cases, the model description of DEE reac-tions was based on the concept of a Markov randomprocess of uncorrelated electron spin flips over hyper-fine structure (HFS) components of the radical ion. Thefrequency of these flips (frequency migration) wasidentified with the frequency of diffusion encounters ofradical ions A

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