
Glyphosate is one of herbicide active ingredient which is mostly used to control weeds in crops. However, in rain season herbicide effectiveness decreases as it is washed by rain. This research aimed to study effect of rainfall intensity on the effectiveness of herbicide (Round up 486 SL 2.5 l/ha.) with isopropilamina glyphosate as the active ingredient in controlling specific weeds Ageratum conyzoides, Rottboellia exaltata, and Cyperus rotundus. The experiment was consisted of six treatments and arranged in randomized block design with 8 replications. The treatments were level of rain intensity which were 5 mm/hour, 10 mm/hour, 20 mm/hour, 40 mm/hour, no rain and control (no herbicide no rain). Rainfall intensity was determined by conducting simulation trials prior to the treatments and applied 30 minutes after herbicide applications. The results showed that herbicide effectiveness decreased as the rainfall intensity incresed, even though with longer time the herbicide was still able to control the weeds. The effect of rainfall intensity on herbicide effectiveness was different for different weeds. Up to intensity 40 mm/hour herbicide was capable to control weeds but with level of weeds destruction 20-60%.


  • Gulma merugikan kegiatan budidaya tanaman karena gulma bersifat agresif dan sangat kompetitif

  • Evolutionary epidemiology predicts the emergence of glyphosate resistance in a major agricultural weed

  • Herbicide transport via surface runoff during intermittent artificial rainfall: A laboratory plot scale study

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Lokasi Penelitian Penelitian lapang dilaksanakan pada bulan

Febuari-Maret 2019 di Kebun Penelitian Desa Hajimena, Kecamatan Natar, Kabupaten Lampung Selatan, dan di Laboratorium Gulma, Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Lampung. Perlakuan yang diuji yaitu tanpa hujan (I1), intensitas curah hujan 5 mm/jam (I2), 10 mm/jam (I3), 20 mm/jam (I4), 40 mm/jam (I5), dan kontrol (I6). Simulasi intensitas curah hujan dilakukan 30 menit setelah aplikasi herbisida dan masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan selama satu jam. Simulasi curah hujan untuk masing-masing perlakuan dilakukan dengan menggunakan tipe spinkler yang berbeda, yang dicirikan dengan warna yang berbeda yang menunjukkan tipe dan spesifikasi tertentu. Untuk mencapai volume tersebut didapatkan intensitas curah hujan 5 mm/jam dicapai dengan menggunakan 4 sprinkler warna hitam tanpa pompa air. Intensitas curah hujan 10 mm/jam menggunakan 4 sprinkler warna oranye dilengkapi dengan pompa air. Intensitas curah hujan 20 mm/jam menggunakan 10 sprinkler warna oranye dengan pompa air. Intensitas curah hujan 40 mm/jam menggunakan 18 sprinkler warna abu-abu dengan pompa air (Gambar 1 abcd). Kemudian persentase keracunan gulma campuran dihitung sebagai nilai rata-rata persentase keracunan 3 gulma yang diuji

Persentase Kerusakan Gulma Ageratum conyzoides
Persentase Kerusakan Gulma Cyperus rotundus
Effect of Shallow Tillage on Soil Erosion in a
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