
Radiation forces are shown to be more important than general relativistic corrections to Newtonian gravitational forces in determining the motion of particles accreting onto a slowly rotating neutron star if the luminosity of the star is greater than about 1 percent of the Eddington critical luminosity (ECL). This is so even if the radius of the star is less than the radius of the innermost stable orbit. In particular, radiation drag causes matter accreting from a disk to lose angular momentum and spiral inward. At luminosities greater than about 0.2 ECL, a substantial fraction of the accreting matter can transfer most of its angular momentum and gravitational binding energy to the radiation field before reaching the stellar surface. These results have important implications for the X-ray spectra, time variability, and spin evolution of neutron stars with very weak magnetic fields and the prospects for detecting general relativistic effects near such stars.

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