
Abstract In case of multiple failure scenario, such as LOCA with ECCS failure, the decay heat continues to raise the reactor core temperature, eventually leading to the core voiding. In such scenario the convective heat transfer becomes poor and the majority of the heat transfer from fuel bundle takes place by radiation mode. During this abnormal working condition, if the channel pressure is less than 1 MPa, the PT sags and come in contact with the CT. This results in high rate of heat transfer from contact location to moderator. The present paper aims to capture the temperature profile over a simulated nuclear channel during such scenario at a steady state temperature of 600 °C (Centre pin) at two different configurations of PT i.e. PT concentric with CT and PT contact with CT. The results showed that the bottom nodes of all the components (Fuel bundle, PT and CT) of the simulated channel was greatly influenced by the PT/CT contact. Moreover, higher temperature were observed at top nodes of the PT and outer pins of the fuel bundle. However, no significant variation in temperatures were obtained in fuel bundle and CT in concentric condition.

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