
Studies were performed to assess the effect of alterations in prostaglandin biosynthesis on glomerular filtration rate in rabbits with normal renal function and after surgical reduction of renal mass. In normal animals, the administration of either of two cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors resulted in a 53% reduction in urine prostaglandin E excretion, but no change in creatinine clearance. Creatinine clearance rates were almost 71% lower in the uremic animals when compared to the animals with normal renal function. Despite the reduction in renal mass, urine prostaglandin E excretion rates in the uremic animals were over twice that seen in normal rabbits. When factored by either glomerular filtration rate or remaining renal mass, urine prostaglandin E excretion rates in uremic rabbits when compared to normal animals were increased more than 9-times and 4-times respectively. Administration of cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors in the uremic animals resulted in a 71% decrease in urine prostaglandin E excretion and, unlike the non-uremic animals, a 53% fall in creatinine clearance. These findings suggest that intact renal prostaglandin biosynthesis is a necessary factor in the homeostatic adaptive mechanisms which maintain the glomerular filtration rate in animals with decreased renal mass.

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