
The examinations were carried out in albino rabbits under urethane anaestesia. After intracameral injection of 0.5 μg Prostaglandin E2, dissolved in 10 μl 10% ethanol, intraocular pressure increased by 20.5±4.9 mm Hg. Aqueous humor protein concentration in the uninjected control eyes was 0.176±0.03 g%. Thirty minutes after intracameral injection of 10 μl 10% ethanol solution the concentration rose to 0.38±0.19 g-%, and after of 0.5 μg Prostaglandin E2 to 1.85 ±0.41 g% These interventions were not followed by significant changes in aqueous humor osmolarity (normal value 313.7±17.9 mOsm, after ethanol 330 5±18. 0, and after prostaglandin E2 329.3±6.9). In a special series of experiments the rate of aqueous humor production was determined. In the uninjected control eyes a value of 1.57±0.61 μl/min was found, but after intracameral injection of 0.5 μg prostaglandin E2, 5.45±1.99 μl/min. The authors draw the conclusion that prostaglandin E2 increases intraocular tension not by enhancing aqueous humor production but by disrupting the bloodaqueous humor barrier.

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