
To investigate the effects of probiotics on bacterial translocation in the obstructive common bile duct with comparison to an enteral product containing arginine and glutamine. In our study, 40 Sprague-Dawley rats each weighing 250-300g were used. Animals in Group 1 (sham) were laparatomized and fed standard chow supplemented with physiologic saline at daily doses of 2ml through orogastric tube for 7days. Common bile ducts of the animals in the other groups were ligated with 3/0 silk sutures. Group 2 (control group) was fed standard chow supplemented with daily doses of 2ml physiologic saline. Group 3 (probiotic group) was fed standard chow supplemented with a probiotic solution (Acidophilus plus) containing strains of Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Lactobacillus bulgaricus at a daily doses of 2×10(9) colony forming units (CFU). Group 4 (formula group) was fed only an enteral solution (Stresson Multi Fiber) containing glutamine, arginine and a medium-chain fatty acid at daily doses of 2g/kg. At the end of the 7th day, all animals were relaparatomized, and to determine bacterial translocation, aerobic, and anaerobic cultures were obtained from the specimens of mesenteric lymph nodes, intestinal mucosa, and blood samples. Smear cultures prepared from caecum were examined to determine the number of CFU. Finally, for histological examination specimens were excised from terminal ileum, and oxidative damage was assessed in liver tissues. Afterwards all animals were killed. Moderately lesser degrees of bacterial translocation, and mucosal damage were seen in Groups 3, and 4 relative to Group 2 (p<0.05). In Group 4, any difference was not seen in the number of cecal bacteria relative to baseline values, while in Group 3, significant decrease in cecal colonization was seen. Among all groups, a significant difference between levels of malondialdehyde, and glutathione was not observed. At the end of our study, we have concluded that both probiotics, and enteral diets which contain immunomodulators such as glutamine, and arginine alleviate bacterial translocation, and impairment of intestinal mucosa.

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