
AbstractThe effect of prey density on feeding behaviour, killing behaviour, and development of the predatory mosquito, Toxorhynchites towadensis, was investigated in the laboratory. The number of prey consumed per larva increased toward an upper asymptote as prey density increased. Prey consumption curves during fourth instar were concave at low prey densities but convex at high prey densities. This phenomenon was not observed during other instars. Killing without consuming any part of prey occurred at prey densities of 20 per container and over. The number of prey killed but not consumed increased linearly with the number of unconsumed prey in the container. Prey acquisition behaviour was not affected by prey densities during the prepupal period. Developmental time from first instar to adult emergence decreased with increasing prey densities, but remained constant at densities of 10 per container and over. Adult size increased with increasing prey densities but there was no effect at prey densities of 20 and over.

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