
The seeds treated with Penshibao at 50 and 100 ppm were raised in field applied with 5 and 10 kg Zn ha' according to treatments. Penshibao at 50 and 100 ppm were given as foliar spray three times at 20 days interval commencing from 20 DAT. Significant per se effect of pretreatment of seeds with penshibao, basal application of zinc and foliar application of penshibao was observed on various yield traits. Beneficial effect of penshibao has been attributed to the micronutrients present in it. Both zinc and penshibao influenced the number of fruits, fruit weight by improving the sink strength. Among the 27 treatment combinations, seed treatment with penshibao 50 ppm and soil application of zinc 5 kg ha followed by 3 applications of 50 ppm penshibao at 20 days interval commencing from 20 DAT has been identified as the best combination based on yield and economic returns.

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