
An experiment was carried out at Junagadh (Gujarat) during kharif seasons of 2011 and 2012 to assess the growth and yield of pigeonpea to preparatory tillage (conventional tillage, shallow tillage, row subsoiling and deep tillage) and mulching (control, soil mulch, wheat straw, groundnut shell and weed mulch). The results revealed that deep tillage up to 30 cm soil depth by tractor drawn disc plough and row subsoiling up to 30 cm by tractor drawn two-tyned subsoiler significantly improved growth and yield attributes viz., plant height, plant spread, number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, number of grains/pod, grain weight/plant and 100-grain weight and thereby increased grain yield (1376 kg/ha) and stalk yield (3207 kg/ha) with higher B: C ratio (2.10) and increased soil moisture content over conventional tillage (cross cultivation followed by blade harrowing and planking). The mulching with wheat straw @ 5 t/ha enhanced growth and yield parameters viz. plant height, plant spread, number of branches/plant, number of pods/plant, number of grains/pod, grain weight/plant and 100grain weight and ultimately increased grain yield (1387 kg/ha) and stalk yield (3212 kg/ha) with higher B: C ratio (1.83) and conserved more soil moisture over no mulch.

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